A coming-of-age story revolving around an eccentric genius, an impulsive girl and their classmates of varying personalities.
Huang Jian is a genius in the field of science and technology. Su Zi Cong is a second-generation rich with good looks, good conduct and good grades. For a chance to be recruited by a famous applied physics professor in MIT, the two become fierce competitors. In order to satisfy one of the requirements, Huang Jian joins an organization where he encounters Zhu Zhu, a rookie reporter who keeps her identity in secret in hopes of landing a big story.
Episodes: Ep 1 / 1 Ratting: Directors: Li Xin (æŽæ¬£) , Li Yang (æŽæ´‹) Producer: Huang Ji (黄éœ) , Ren Zhonglun (任仲伦) Stars: Zhang Ruo Yun, Sandra Ma, Li Xian, Michelle Li, Liu Min Tao | See full cast & crew »