Till The World Ends, is the story of two young men as they accidentally find themselves living together during the final 13 days before the world ends.Art, an attractive business student who lost his memories from an accident, wishes to go back to his hometown to recover his true identity. However, around the time of his accident, the government announces the impending end of the world and orders the evacuation of the population to bunkers, all the while mass chaos and panic is spreading. Art, in this time of disaster, relies on a new friend to help him navigate and prepare for the end.
Episodes: Ep 10 / 10 Ratting: Directors: Aam Anusorn Soisa-ngim Writers: Aam Anusorn Soisa-ngim Stars: Art Pakpoom Juanchainat, Best Anavil Charttong, Michael Kiettisak Vatanavitsakul | See full cast & crew »