The story of two different police officers, Police Lieutenant Pakorn (Dim Tattoo Color), a young police officer Saicool from the city, and Police Lieutenant Suebsak (Eed Ponglangsa-on), a police officer, Mad Neeb Luk. northeast Both were moved to work at the Sung Noen Noi Police Station. To work together to investigate the mysterious death case in the middle of the parade event, with Mor Nut (Kream Kalapapruek), a lovely young doctor to help. How chaos in solving the case will end must follow Detective Han Groove Town Detectives.
Episodes: Ep 1 / 1 Ratting: Directors: Important Chotiksawat Writers: Unknown Stars: Sompong Kuna Prathom , Harin Suthamjarat , Kalapapruek Chanama | See full cast & crew »