Synopsis of Fathers Based on a true story, Losing one leg, aman lives on his cyclo-trisaw drives to provide for two children his wife abandons at a pagoda’s corner. Despite his handicap, he works from dawn till dust delivering stuff to a nearby market, drive his cylo-trisaw, scavenge, hint car drivers, while carrying his youngest child with him and sending his elder daughter to school. In the end, he falls so incurably sick that he has to sell off his cyclo-trisaw and blood, to earn money in return for drugs for his child. How does this man struggles to keep his children alive? Chek this out in this upcoming movie Fathers
Episodes: Ep 1 / 1 Ratting: Directors: HUY YALENG Writers: HUY YALENG Stars: ???? ??????, Mean Sonyta | See full cast & crew �